Monday 12 March 2012

Sorting out music.
We've had a helluva time the last few weeks trying to sort out our music. We all need a crib sheet because with our memories we can't even remember what it is we are playing from when we started the song two minutes ago, so we definitely need the words (for Ken) and other key bits of advice for the rest of us (like "turn the mic on before singing into it" for Malc and "the off switch is on the right hand side - use it" for Peter). Anyway, our music had gotten into such a mess with each of us having different hand amended versions of each song, often in differing keys, result - even more chaos than usual. Peter decided to "sort it all out". Result - identical amount of chaos but also half a rainforest destroyed in the attempt. Ken's been brilliant about it what with Peter rewriting all Ken's songs unintentionally in the process - Ken hasn't thrown a single wobbly. Maybe by our gigs in June things will be better.

Thursday 1 March 2012

FOG play at "Fladbury's got Talent" on February 11th 2012
Well someone had to set the benchmark when the words "Got Talent" is used. FOG were delighted to be asked there to set the benchmark for the evening, by which everyone else was to be judged.
As the curtains opened after the interval, Ken rocked into Black Magic Woman, while Peter and Malc were still trying to work out which was was forward facing. Chris, oblivious as ever banged on, then started to play the drums too. Peter then made the more sensitive members of the audience nauseous by doing a dedication speech inspired by the Oscars, and dedicating "Wonderful Tonight" to all the women in the audience - who were decidedly peeved at having such an unharmonious drone dedicated to them. Fortunately "Paint it Black" at full volume covered the sound of the outcry.
At the end of evening it appeared to be decided that all the other acts were superior to the FOG benchmark as they all got certificates, and FOG only got two for the four of us - we still argue which two let us down.
As the evening raised over £900 towards toilets for the Church in Fladbury (a subject dear to our bladdery challenged hearts) we were only too pleased to be invited.

FOG Plays at the Sight Concern Drop in Centre in Worcester in December
The crazy thing is that they had heard us before and asked us back. We weren't sure at that point whether they were hard of hearing as well as visually impaired. However, when one of them chatted up Ken, we knew for certain.
Luckily, it was the Christmas Party that day and everyone was far keener on the Turkey, Christmas Pud and the Raffle to bother about FOG mangling a few oldies - not to mention ruining a few old songs too.
See the good work they do at