Peter decides to rebuild his Bass

Peter decided this week to rebuild his 4 string Bass. He had put the 4 string aside when he bought a flashy Yamaha BB605 5 string last year, but decided now that he needs a 4 string to be able to reach across the frets more easily. Peter has only short little fingers. Actually it is rumoured that his fingers aren't all that are on the little side, but we're not going to check that out! Anyway here's a couple of photos of work-in-progress. Apparently, fortified by an excellent Sunday Lunch of Gloucester Old Spot Pork at the Anchor, he claims to have finished the mods. He's put EMG PJX pickups on instead of the really cheap ones that were fitted to the guitar originally. The new pickups should give a really nice tone, but in Peter's hands that's just wishful thinking. They are "active pickups" (for the rest of you read battery powered), which means he can now play even louder out of tune than ever before.