Friday, 27 June 2014

President Elect Plays at Dumbleton Hall

Mad fools Rotary Club of Pershore have made two big mistakes this year. First is to persuade FOG lead guitarist Malcolm to be President. Second is to ask FOG to play at the outgoing presidents evening at Dumbleton Hall.

Malcolm took over the Presidency on Wednesday (see photo). Chris is Hon Sec of the club, and Peter is Hon Treasurer.

The outgoing President of Pershore Rotary said:

"The new Club President is Malcolm Haden who, prior to his retirement in 2007, had a working career spanning 45 years, starting with an engineering apprenticeship at Needle Industries of Studley, when 20 million needles were produced every week, through to 35 years spent in Garden Tool Manufacture.

A music career over a similar period started with singing Beatles songs with the Sunday School choir and a short spell in a blues band, followed by a 45 year rest before joining local band Four Old Geezers (FOG), consisting of 2 fellow Rotarians and one proper musician. FOG are booked to play at the annual President’s evening at Dumbleton Hall where they aim to prove that ‘Rotary Rocks’.

Malcolm thanked Alan for a brilliant year and for ensuring that being part of Pershore Rotary Club was a real pleasure.

Fund raising for local and international causes will continue to be our main aim, while having fun as a club with speakers, outings and social events during the year.

This year we also aim to reach out to people who share the Rotary ethos, but who do not have the time to join us at our weekly meetings.

If you care about your local community and the problems of the wider world and would like to help us in an informal way, do please check out the Pershore Rotary Club website at