Monday 31 July 2017

Venue packed out for FOG comeback GIG!

There wasn't even "standing room only" on Saturday at our comeback GIG at the Piesse of Pidele Hotel in Wyre Piddle on Saturday 29th July, guess people forgot just how bad we are after over two years since our last Gig there.

The audience were fantastic - really encouraging (thanks folks) and really noisy (excellent, no one could hear our mistakes) and sang along to everything (even better, didn't matter that we couldn't remember the words).

Tim, our new beat machine, kept his nerve and didn't once loose his sticks even if he lost the beat. After a popular vote in favour of Tim, we gave Tim his apprenticeship certificate - but warned him of the consequences of forgetting to bring biscuits to the rehearsals again.

Thanks to Graham for hosting us at the Hotel (he serves a mean pint - has Abbott ale at the moment)

Our guest Photographer (John Kellett) took these photos (thanks John)

We did pick up a couple of requests from folks for us to go and play for them at parties. We hadn't the heart to point out that their hearing aid batteries must have run out.